Sarah Boyette
Group Life Senior Adults Pastor
Sarah Boyette is a commissioned deacon in the United Methodist Church. Sarah is a graduate of Brite Divinity School. Sarah has been a news reporter, a school teacher, a stay at home mom, and a church communicator.
Sarah and her husband, Adam, have been married more than 20 years and have two teenagers, Claire and Paul. Sarah loves silly hats, reading books, and going on adventures with the family. She is passionate about connecting with people. Most of her best friends are in their seventh decade of life. Sarah said she feels like she won the lottery with joining the staff at FUMC Hurst and working with senior adults. “For the first time in my life, all my ministry passions are combined into one job, and I am ecstatic,” she said. You can reach Sarah at sboyette@fumchurst.org or 817-282-7384 ext. 1222.