900 Meals Delivered to Support Project Transformation Summer Reading Programs

Jul 8, 2021 | by Rev. Beth Stuyck
In past summers, the Tarrant Area Food Bank has provided lunch for the children attending camp at all three of Project Transformation Central Texas’ camp locations – Meadowbrook-Poly UMC, Clarke Elementary School in south Fort Worth and FUMC Bedford. PT Central Texas was notified this spring that TAFB had discontinued the program through which we received these lunches. Fort Worth ISD was gracious enough to step in this summer and provide both breakfast and lunch for our participants, including those at FUMC Bedford. The one challenge was that FW ISD would only deliver to district schools, and so we needed volunteers four days a week for six weeks to pick up and deliver meals twice a day to both FUMC Bedford and Meadowbrook-Poly UMC.
Last weekend (June 19), I sent an email to the Revelation Ringers and another one to Fannette Welton, asking if they would be interested in helping deliver breakfast to FUMC Bedford. My hope was that these women could help cover a few of the slots. Fannette forwarded my email to the UMW circles and 5 or 6 Sunday School classes. And, the response has been amazing!!! By Thursday, six people had signed up to cover all of the breakfast deliveries to Bedford. Since then, one person has signed up to deliver lunches to FUMC Bedford for two days, and another person has signed up to deliver a week’s worth of lunches to Meadowbrook-Poly UMC. That is a total of 30 deliveries and 900 meals being delivered by members of FUMC Hurst.
Nutritious meals are so important to our program. It’s difficult to focus on learning and improving reading skills if you haven’t had enough food and/or healthy food to eat. These meals help provide an environment at our camp sites that set children up to thrive. I am so thankful for this congregation’s generous support of PT Central Texas, and their response to fill this need.
Rev. Beth Stuyck
Sr. Manager of Grants & Volunteer Engagement
Project Transformation Central Texas