Disciple 1 Coming in January!

Nov 1, 2022 | by Rev. Beth Stuyck
Disciple: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (a.k.a. Disciple Bible Study or Disciple I)
“Consecutive reading of Biblical books forces everyone who wants to hear to put himself, or to allow himself to be found where God has acted once and for all for the salvation of men. . .. We are torn out of our own existence and set down in the midst of the holy history of God on earth.”
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Disciple I is a 34-week Bible study during which participants read the Bible consecutively. One of the hallmarks of the curriculum are the weekly “Marks of Discipleship,” during which we are invited to consider the ways the Biblical text is calling us to live as disciples of Jesus.
Disciple I classes are covenant groups in which weekly attendance and daily Bible reading are expected. And so, if you are looking for an opportunity to journey through the Bible with a small group of traveling companions (class sizes are limited to 12), we invite you to sign up for Disciple I.
Classes will begin the week of January 8th, and with some time off during the summer, will wrap up in mid-December. We will have an information table setup in the Atrium during November from 9-9:40 a.m. You are welcome to drop by and ask questions about the format and curriculum and see the tentative schedule.
And if you already know you are interested in taking Disciple I, you can let us know your preferences for class days and times CLICK HERE to fill out our online form or visit our table outside the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning.
Classes will be formed and days/times will be announced in early December, so that Study Manuals can be purchased in time for classes to begin. You can also contact Rev. Beth Stuyck at
with questions. The cost of the class is $35 which covers the cost of the Study Manual.