FUMC Hurst Adds New Adopt-A-School

Nov 19, 2019 | by Rev.Matt Ybanez
Did you know that FUMC Hurst has adopted five HEBISD schools as part of the Adopt-A-School Program? The newest school on that list is Donna Park Elementary. Like other schools in our neighborhood, Donna Park has a very high percentage of students who take advantage of free and reduced lunch prices because of the family’s inability to pay. Carolyn Kitchens and Matt Ybañez sat down with the principal and counselors at Donna Park back in June to listen to their needs and dreams for the families, students and teachers. Since that time, FUMC Hurst hosted a Hot Dog Extravaganza on Meet the Teacher Night, shared some school supplies and helped arrange for every student and teacher to have spirit shirts; however, that’s not the most amazing thing happening with Donna Park.
One of the needs the administrators identified was a group of very hungry children who teachers were afraid were not receiving sufficient meals on the weekends. In response to this need, Carolyn Kitchens assembled a team that meets every week to purchase, sort, pack and deliver backpacks filled with five easy to prepare meals to send home with those students. These backpacks are carefully planned to provide a variety of healthy, nutritious foods.
The ministry very quickly grew from 15 identified students to 35 identified students needing food, and the impact has been immediate. One thank you note from a student receiving food reads:
"Hello Church,
First about thanking you for giving our family food for the weekend. It's really helping my parents because during the week, I used to cook for me, my brothers, my sister and my parents because my mom is sick and my dad was working. Now, I can give them food from backpack, take a shower and do my homework. My parents are really thankful and there is this little boy that is living with us so it helping him too."
Food insecurity is an issue that impacts children’s ability to learn and succeed in school. Here at FUMC Hurst, we will always seek to respond to the need in our community and walk with our neighbors to spread the love of Christ in our community.
The Donna Park Adopt-A-School team purchases food on Tuesdays and packs backpacks at noon on Wednesdays during the school year.
If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Carolyn Kitchens at