Men's Covenant Group

Aug 16, 2023 | by Joe Motley
For almost six years, our Friday morning Men’s Covenant Group has gathered to share our faith journeys with one another.
Prior to the pandemic, we met in person, but with social isolation mandated by COVID, we resorted to Zoom for conducting our meetings, and we are still Zooming. Each week the seven of us offer our reflections on varied spiritual topics, most frequently John Wesley’s 22 questions. We rotate leadership within our group so that everyone will have an opportunity to provide their own questions and other scripturally-focused materials for discussion, if they wish.
Our group offers each of us an opportunity to explore life issues within the context of faith. With assurance of confidentiality, we freely share personal experiences and observations that might have deepened our knowledge of God, or, in some cases, led us to question exactly how God works. We are not afraid of difficult questions. By now, we know one another fairly well, and we continue to meet because we desire to maintain the fellowship and friendship that we enjoy.
We encourage the formation of additional Covenant Groups and would be elated to provide our assistance to anyone wishing to organize a new group. For more information on how to start or join a group, contact Rev. Sarah Garza at or Rev. Johnru Villamor at