Sharing Birthday Blessings with Our Neighbors

    Oct 18, 2021 | by Jennifer Acker

    The Mission Possible Kids & Families at FUMC Hurst recently spent an evening working on round 2 of Birthday Party Packs for Mission Central. The children asked congregation members to donate the needed items for a pre-packaged party (chocolate cake mix, frosting, balloons, party horns, party hats, birthday candles, festive plates and napkins, etc.) and then they spent the evening assembling the packs. The children learned last year that many families don’t always have the needed fresh items on hand to make a cake (eggs, milk, etc) and they learned that if you mix a can of soda with a chocolate cake mix and bake it, that it tastes just as yummy! So, a can of coke was added with each cake mix, along with a note to teach the recipients about the baking tip. We heard from volunteers at Mission Central that the last batch of Birthday Party Packs donated by FUMC Hurst Mission Possible Kids flew off the shelves pretty quickly. We are guessing this may become a mission project that we repeat quite often since it’s a wonderful way to share joy and God’s love with our neighbors!

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