Worship Beyond our Walls at Parc Place

Sep 15, 2023 | by Joe Motley
This article was written by Joe Motley, one of our faithful Parc Place volunteers. Joe preached last month during worship service at this local senior living community.
Our worship service at Parc Place exemplifies the powerful results of a partnership formed by two UMC churches dedicated to developing a meaningful, sustainable ministry.
I volunteered to assist with Parc Place outreach because I wanted to be a small part of a ministry that expands and extends FUMC’s presence in our community. As followers of Christ, we are called to share God’s grace and love whenever we have an opportunity for outreach such as Parc Place ministry.
The ebullient volunteers from FUMC and Martin UMC radiate abundant joy and generous hospitality as they respond God’s call by enthusiastically welcoming each resident to our monthly gathering.
And this invigorating joy characterizes our worship experience: familiar hymns sung with gusto, a devotional message focusing on the needs and interests of the residents, receiving of holy communion, and heartfelt prayers offered during the service.