One of my favorite places to visit is Coronado Island in California. I love to spend time laying on the beach doing absolutely nothing. As the world has begun to open back up and families are getting busy and over-scheduled again, I’ve noticed that I’m hearing parents once again talk about how they “can’t keep up” with all they have scheduled. I’m feeling it in my own life too. As my kiddo enters his senior year of high school, I’m already feeling the busy pace taking over once again. These are all good things and I’m not complaining, I’m just feeling the rapid and drastic change in pace.
On Coronado Island there are signs painted on the sidewalks that say “Walk Your Wheels” as a reminder to not ride bikes, scooters, or skateboards on the sidewalks. Each time I have seen those signs, it felt like a reminder to slow down and move at a normal pace and not try to rush through it all. I’ll be heading back to Coronado Island soon and before I even get there and see those signs again, I’m going to spend the rest of July attempting to “walk my wheels” and slow my pace so that I have good pace established as I move into fall. I want to take time to enjoy my son’s last year of high school and take time to enjoy God’s incredible world around me. I want to spend more time connecting with God, connecting with people, and connecting with purpose. I want to spend less time rushing around and spinning my wheels. I’m excited to see what happens as I intentionally slow my roll and “walk my wheels”. I wonder what you will notice or spend time doing if you also try “walking your wheels” for a bit.