Dear Families,

The Day School advisory board met in February to discuss plans for the 2023-2024 school year. Before COVID, there were plans to expand our program to better meet our community's needs by providing full-time and after-hours care opportunities. While we know there are families who can make our limited days/hours work, there are many who cannot. As with all the programs in our area, the Day School received a government grant to sustain operations during and after COVID. This grant ends in May 2023. Without this funding assistance, our Day School program is not viable to meet the needs of our community in its current structure. As a result, we must announce with heavy hearts that the Day School will not be reopening for the 2023-2024 school year.

While we celebrate the 60+ years of Day School and everything it has meant to our families, teachers, and community, we are also saddened to see its end. We understand this news may leave you with a variety of strong emotions, and we promise that you are not alone in feeling this way. You and your children have become an extension of our own families.

We want to celebrate the past 60 years of Day School. Information about that celebration will be provided in the coming weeks. Please know that we are committed to finishing this year strong, with our amazing and dedicated teachers. There is still a lot of learning and fun happening over the next few months!

We understand this news may raise additional questions and concerns. We are available to you and will do our best to answer your questions.

Thank you for sharing your children with us and allowing us to be a part of their journey!

Julie Newton, Day School Director
Shea Ingram, Day School Assistant Director