First United Methodist Church of Hurst Foundation (Foundation)
The Foundation is a perpetual fund that creates a living legacy and a permanent source of financial support for the First United Methodist Church of Hurst (FUMC Hurst).
Here are some examples of what the Foundation has been able to do most recently. The Foundation funded the initial startup costs for our translation suite which enables us to translate our Sunday morning services into both Spanish and French. Through the Foundation, over ten thousand dollars in college and graduate school scholarship money has been dispersed over the last several years. After our congregation gave over and above to replace the two large sanctuary air conditioning units in 2015, it has been the legacy gift of Edna Anderson that has enabled the church to continue the upgrade to our Sanctuary air conditioning without using any annual operating budget funds. All of these things were made possible through legacy giving by individuals and families who included the Foundation in their long term giving plans.
First United Methodist Church of Hurst Foundation (Foundation) FAQ's
Does the Foundation need my gift?
Yes, gifts of all types and sizes are needed and considered by the Foundation. The Church needs contributions to support all of its ministry goals. In addition, our facility has many critical aging systems (HVAC, lighting, technology and safety) and the Foundation is able to provide long-term support. Considerations on accepting gifts are governed by the Foundation's gift acceptance policy. You may CLICK HERE to download a copy of the gift acceptance policy.
What are the methods of donating?
There are several ways to designate gifts to FUMC Hurst, providing a lasting tribute to God though supporting the ministries of our church. Methods include:
- Bequests through a will of a fixed amount or percentage
- Stocks and bonds
- IRA or retirement account designation ( all or part )
- Gift annuities and Charitable Trusts
- Payable-on-death account (bank or brokerage account)
- Personal property
- Real estate
- Life insurance (all or part of a policy)
- Life-income contract
- Memorial gifts made by you now honoring others or memorial / tributes in your honor by relatives or friends.
- Qualified Charitable Distributions, such as from a RMD.
- Cash or checks
This list is for information only. Please consult your attorney, accountant or financial advisor for donation methods best suited to your situation.
Would I have to rewrite my will?
Even if you already have a will, you may be able to amend it. You may want to include a version of the following sentence in your estate plan or beneficiary documents: I give the [amount or percent of estate and/or type of asset] to the Foundation of the First United Methodist Church of Hurst, Texas to further the mission and ministries of the church. For assistance and guidance in leaving a gift to the Foundation in your estate plans, please contact the Business Manager at 817-282-7384. Or, you may contact any member of the Foundation Board, or the Senior Pastor. If you have already included the Foundation in your giving plans, we thank you. Since we may not be aware that you intend to leave assets to the church in your will, please let us know so we can express our gratitude for your generosity, thoughtfulness and forward vision.
How does the Foundation operate?
Management of the Fund is entrusted to the Foundation, which is composed of nine members elected by the FUMC Hurst Charge Conference. It includes six members elected at-large for three-year overlapping terms, along with the chairs of the Administrative Board, Finance Committee and Board of Trustees. Our Senior Pastor & Business Manager are Ex-Officio members of the Foundation.
The Foundation has specific duties spelled out in the Foundation by-laws and operates as a separate non-profit (501c3). All operations are conducted in compliance with the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline. The Foundation reports annually to the First United Methodist Church of Hurst Charge Conference. The Foundation Funds are invested with the Texas Methodist Foundation, which adheres to the values and principles of the United Methodist Church*. Generally, funds entrusted to the Foundation are managed to protect the principle donated, and only the earnings are used to support the Church’s mission objectives. Some of the funds are restricted (e.g., for scholarships). Others are unrestricted and earnings are used to support ongoing missions, operations and maintenance needs.
The Foundation is a permanent source of funding for expanding the reach of God's kingdom through FUMC Hurst and into the world. Praise God for all of these opportunities.
*TMF Core Purpose and Values (from the TMF website):
“Since 1938, Texas Methodist Foundation has supported the Methodist church with financial and leadership services, emboldening it to achieve its God-appointed mission and find bold ways for bringing about the loving world God imagines through cultures of purpose, generosity, and courage.”