Coaching Program
We have a coaching program to help African immigrants and their families make a home for themselves in the U.S. For more information, email Rev. Joseph Kazadi.
Conversation Partner Program
Through this program, Africans and other immigrants from other continents have opportunities to have one-hour conversations in English. It is a way to practice their English with volunteers (students) from Texas Christian University.
ESL Conversation Partners are currently available by appointment between 10 a.m.-6:15 p.m. on Mondays.
If you are interested in the program or would like to volunteer as a conversation partner, please contact:
Dr. Pam Frable,
Rev. Joseph Kazadi,
African Community Garden
We have an African Community Garden at the church’s Village Garden to grow some African food or vegetables like “ndunda” and “Ngai-ngai”. For more information, email Rev. Joseph Kazakdi.