Groups & Classes

Groups are listed alphabetically.

W = Wesley Building I = Isham Building
C = Children’s Building

Need help figuring out which group is the right fit for you? Contact Rev. Sarah Garza at

Sunday Morning 9-10 a.m.

Agape (W 206)     Age: 65+

Members enjoy discussions focused on Bible study and Christian living in today’s world. Members serve at Mission Central, Christmas Providers and annually sponsor a college student. They enjoy an annual Christmas party, a Super Bowl party and occasionally luncheons after class. 

Christian Homebuilders (W 121)     Age: 80+

Before a lesson from the International Lesson Series, members begin class with a song. Socials include a monthly ladies’ day out and annual Christmas party. Members serve at Mission Central, CareCorps and Meals on Wheels.

Compañeros en Cristo, Spanish Speakers (W 123) All Ages

Members rotate facilitating bilingual (Spanish) quarterly Bible studies. Everyone, from native Spanish speakers to those learning Spanish, is welcome. Prayer and singing with keyboard accompaniment are incorporated into class time. They occasionally host potlucks and annual Las Posadas festivities; the latter are followed by a bilingual worship service. 

Miembros se rotan facilitando estudios bilingües trimestrales. Todo el mundo, de hispanohablantes nativos hasta los que están aprendiendo español, es bienvenido. Se incorpora oración y cantando con acompañamiento de teclado en esta clase. De vez en cuando tienen cenas compartidas y fiestas anuales de Las Posadas. A las fiestas anuales de Las Posadas les sigue un servicio de adoración.

Discovery (W 203)     Age: 30s–50s

Members begin class with an uplifting Bible verse. They alternate between current event studies, which other classes are invited to join, and the International Lesson Series. This group volunteers once a month at Mission Central and they help with Thanksgiving baskets. Socials include Whirlyball outings, an annual Christmas party, gatherings with and without members’ children, and an Easter fellowship. 

Genesis (W 208)     Age: 60+

Discussions focus on how to apply Biblical principles, whether from inspirational books, videos or the Bible itself, to members’ daily lives. Sometimes members attend Focus On discussions. Socials include ladies’ monthly luncheons and a Christmas party. 

Goal Diggers (W 105)     Age: 65+

This large group enjoys all kinds of studies, inspirational books or Bible lessons, which vary month to month. They are heavily committed to community service. Also, they host social events throughout the year. 

Nouvelle Vie, French Speakers (W 202)     All Ages
Meets 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month.

This French-speaking Bible study is composed of African immigrants. This group also provides support to African immigrants through social interaction, family education and home visits. 

Nouvelle Vie se réunit les 3ème, 4ème et 5ème dimanche du mois

Cette étude biblique francophone est composée d’immigrants africains. Ce groupe fournit également un soutien aux immigrants africains par le biais d’interactions sociales, d’éducation familiale et de visites à domicile. 

Point of Grace (W 205)     All Ages — Women

Single, widowed, divorced or unaccompanied women comprise this group. Each member leads a Bible or inspirational book study for a 4-week stretch or the group invites a guest speaker. Their social events include weekly mahjong and lunch on the second Sunday of the month. Some missions in which they serve are Room at the Inn, Christmas Providers, Mission Central, Village Garden, Coat of Many Colors, and filling or distributing Thanksgiving bags. 

Questers (W 209)     Age: 70+

Members begin class by singing from monogrammed hymnals with piano accompaniment. Lessons follow the International Lesson Series. Class members travel together and enjoy social events such as dinner together. They serve in Christmas Providers and sometimes visit the Methodist Children’s Home in Waco. 

Rooted Young Adults (Foyer)

Rooted Young Adults strive for interconnection, belonging, and growth. We believe that it is important to grow not just in numbers, but also in our faith in Jesus both individually and as a group. We aim to provide a safe and open space for young men and women to feel welcomed by being inclusive and diverse through various small groups and events. **Email Rev. Sarah Garza for a young adult event schedule.

Scripture Seekers (I 101) Age: 60s

Members rotate facilitating the International Lesson Series while adhering to the motto: “Grow together.” Some of the class serve at Village Pantry, minister through Bible distribution, serve within the church as ushers or greeters or as part of the coffee service in the Fellowship Hall.

Single Friends (W 125)     Age: 50s—80s

Class members enjoy a variety of Bible-based topics or participate in Focus On discussions. Socials include monthly luncheons or dinners, movie theater outings, or game night. Some members serve as greeters, ushers, or choir members. 

Sunday Space Group (Parlor)

Christian parents are committed to providing their children with a good faith foundation. But, often, it is not easy for parents to find the time and energy to focus on their own relationship with God. If this sounds familiar, Sunday morning is a good time to drop off your kids in the nursery or Testament Travels and join other parents for a time of discussion, learning and fellowship. Each week, there will be little to no preparation required and know that if you happen to nod off from lack of sleep, we’ll let you nap till the end of class! If you have any questions please email Rev. Sarah Garza at .

Wesley2 Group (W 124) All Ages

This is not your regular Sunday school class but a Sunday morning group that focuses on in-depth Bible and book studies based on the six elements of discipleship. Preparation is encouraged beforehand for each Sunday’s study, unless you are visiting. Studies last from 4 to 6 weeks, and there’s always a seat for those who wish to join us for a study that interests you.

Weekly Study Groups

Disciple II (W124) Sundays at 4:30 p.m.

Book study open to all ages.

Wednesday Morning (Parlor) 10:00 a.m.

This group shares in conversation and study together on a range of topics and scripture. All  ages.

Young Men's Small Group (off campus) Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m.

This small group meets at the Hurst Starbucks located at 1498 Precinct Line Rd. Open to all men in their 20's.

Wednesday Evening (W207) 7:00 p.m.

Open to all ages.

Senior Adult Bible Study (W105) 10:00 a.m.

This group digs deep into scripture. 

Elizabeth Group | Thursdays at 11:00 a.m

Open to women of all ages.

Celula (off campus) Fridays at 6:00 p.m.

This Spanish-speaking group is open to all.