Senior Adult Newsletter
All of our activities are welcome to all ages and all people. You don’t have to be a member of this church or even a senior adult to have fun with us! All are welcome!
Celebrating Senior Adult Ministry in 2023!
As this year draws to a close, we wanted to thank you for being part of the FUMC Hurst community. God was present in so many ways this last year and we can’t wait to see where the Holy Spirit is leading us in 2024!
2023 by the numbers:
- 1 Volunteer blitz at Project Transformation
- 1 New weekly Bible study for Senior Adults
- 2 Plays seen at the Artisan this year
- 2 Potluck and Piano gatherings
- 3 Events at Heritage Village Senior Living Community
- 4 Field Trips
- 4 Brown Bag Brainstorms planning Senior Adult Ministry
- 5 Lunch and Learns expanded our knowledge of decluttering, advanced planning, church communications, painting, and artwork of Jesus
- 6 Worship services at Parc Place Retirement Community
- 10 Senior Adult Game Nights
- 11 Men’s Breakfasts
- 11 Women’s Breakfasts
- 11 Meetings for Space for Grace Caregiving Group
- 40 Seniors participating in Line Dancing classes
- 21 Home-Centered Ambassadors extending Christ’s love ensuring our Home-Centered members know they are loved by Christ and their church family
- 53 Home-Centered members connected to our church
- 375 Senior adults participated in worship or Bible studies in person this year
- Countless hugs, handshakes, smiles, and prayers shared
What an honor it is to be a part of senior adult ministry at FUMC Hurst!
Celebrating Senior Adult Ministry 2023

Senior Adult Ministry Symposium
Coming to FUMC Hurst on July 18, 2024
Mark your calendar for the first event of its kind. Pastors and lay persons from across the denomination as well as other local pastors will be coming to our church to discuss senior adult ministry. We will have presentations by experts as well as collaborative brainstorming. Signups coming soon!

Christmas Carols and Candy Canes at Heritage Village
Sunday, December 17, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Heritage Village (701 Heritage Circle, Hurst)
All ages are invited to join us as we sing Christmas carols and pass out candy canes! Help us celebrate Christ’s birth with our neighbors. No choral experience required! We’ll bring the candy canes and you bring the smiles!
For more events, use the link in the sidebar to visit the church calendar.
Senior Adult Bible Study & Discussion Group
Thursdays, 10 a.m., Wesley 105/106
Join us for a senior adult Bible study discussion group! All you need is a Bible!
Facilitators Donna Baumgartner and Joe Motley.
CLICK HERE to register online.
Discipleship is a journey that never ends - come continue to learn and grow with us.
Senior Adult Ministry Brown Bag and Brainstorm
Monday, January 22, 11:30 a.m., Wesley 105/106
Join our Senior Adult Ministry Council as we work to plan ministry and mission for our senior adults! All are welcome, no RSVP needed.
Senior Adult Vacation Bible School
Coming in August 2024!
Plans are underway for this intergenerational event. Watch for more details!
- Pickleball Wednesdays, 2 to 8 p.m.
Even if you don’t play, join us! We will teach you! All materials provided.
- Line Dancing Mondays, 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
All are welcome to join our low-risk line dancing group. We have skilled dancers and those with two left feet. Come join our caring community of line dancers.
- Game Night, Second Thursday of Every Month
Doors open at 5 p.m., gameplay starts at 5:30 in Wesley 105/106 (Next Game Night Jan. 12)
- Men’s Breakfast, first Thursday of the month
8 a.m. in Wesley 105/106 (Next breakfast Jan. 4)
- Women’s Breakfast, second Thursday of the month
8:30 a.m. in Wesley 105/106 (Next Women’s Breakfast Jan. 11)
- Fourth Sunday of the month at Parc Place
Worship at 2 p.m. with Martin UMC (Jan. 28)