In November, the Administrative Board of FUMC Hurst unanimously adopted a New Year's Resolution for the coming year:
To unite as one body, one love in Christ.
The Board discussed and approved a plan to try out a new schedule on Sunday mornings for a six- week period. The new schedule gives our faith community the opportunity to worship together each week as one body and, also, provides time and space on Sunday morning for relationships to strengthen and grow.
The Sunday Community Opportunity starts January 8 with a Town Hall from 9—10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At the end of the six-weeks, on Sunday, February 19, there will be another Town Hall where we will discuss what we liked about the schedule and what we would like to change in the future. Also, throughout the six-weeks, there will be a team from the Administrative Board in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings that will listen to and record your feedback.
New Schedule
8:30-9 a.m.: Communion and Prayer, Sanctuary
9-10 a.m.: Group Learning (Classes and Groups)
10-10:30 a.m.: CommUNITY Time, Fellowship Hall
10:30-11:30 a.m. CommUNITY Worship, Sanctuary
Why are we trying this new schedule?
The Administrative Board realized that we are a different church than before the pandemic. The board believes that this schedule will bring people together, inform people about what’s going on at the church and energize our body for the work that God has in mind for us in 2023.
Who can I contact for more information and to share input?
Each Sunday morning during the CommUNITY Time in Fellowship Hall, there will be a table staffed with Ad Board members to answer questions and receive your feedback/suggestions.
The Sunday Community Opportunity starts January 8 with a Town Hall from 9—10 a.m. in the Sanctuary. At the end of the six-weeks, on Sunday, February 19, there will be another Town Hall where we will discuss what we liked about the schedule and what we would like to change in the future. Also, throughout the six-weeks, there will be a team from the Administrative Board in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings that will listen to and record your feedback.
How does this affect my Sunday school class?
Other than the time change, this will not affect Sunday morning classes or groups. It will, however, give you more flexibility. For instance, you could begin your class at 8:45 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. to give more time for sharing and connecting.
Can I still come to drink my coffee in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning?
Of course! Coffee will be available in the Fellowship Hall from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
What is the difference between the CommUNITY TIME and Coffee Fellowship
Often, Coffee Fellowship was a time to get coffee, a donut and touch base with church friends. Instead, CommUNITY Time will be space to meet and greet new friends, find out what’s going on in the church and explore (and even participate in) exciting ministries.
How and when will we decide if we want to continue Sunday CommUNITY?
Every Sunday morning during the CommUNITY Time in the Fellowship Hall, there will be a team from the Ad Board that will listen and record your thoughts, opinions and insights about the new schedule. There will also be a Town Hall on February 19 at 9 a.m. during which we will decide whether to go forward with the new Sunday morning schedule, go back to our previous Sunday morning schedule or do something different.
Why are we having an 8:30 communion time?
We realize that some folks won’t get the word or simply forget. We also realize we have a need for a designated prayer and communion space on a weekly basis. For folks that show up at 8:30 a.m. on accident, we wanted to offer them a space to connect with God. For folks seeking a quiet, reflective time of prayer and communion, we wanted to offer this space to connect with God.
This communion and prayer time is in addition to, not in place of, our monthly communion service celebrated in worship.
What are groups? What about Sunday school classes?
We are not cancelling any Sunday School classes. We recognize that many of our Sunday School classes have been meeting for decades and are healthy Christ-centered communities. We also recognize that as the world changes, we need space for new, creative expressions of the traditional Sunday school model. Calling the time “Sunday Groups” allows space both for our traditional groups and new groups to flourish.